Change odbc timeout
Change odbc timeout

change odbc timeout

Please make use of the filters available to pull only the information that will be useful to you.Ģ) Once you have filtered the report as much as possible and the report is still timing out, you can then modify the execution timeout setting (or disable the timeout) in Microsoft Reporting Services.Ģ- Open up Microsoft Reporting Services Configuration ManagerĤ- You will see a URL - click on it and it will open up a browser.ĥ- You can then set the number of seconds to 3600. Hop you figure it from here Regards You must log in or register to reply here.

change odbc timeout

By default, Microsoft Reporting Services has a timeout of 1800 seconds.ġ) First, I recommend that you take a look at your report and verify that you are pulling only the necessary information. Dim qdf As QueryDef For Each qdf In CurrentDb.QueryDefs If qdf.Type dbQSQLPassThrough Then dbQSQLPassThrough 112 qdf.ODBCTimeout 0 End If Next qdf Should do it you can all sorts of stuf like that even setting/changing the connectionstring if you so desire. When running such report against an organization/machine group with a large number of machines, the rendering report can timeout before it gets a chance to finish. A single machine can report back hundreds of applications.

change odbc timeout

For example, a report that pulls a list of installed applications on a machine. These timeout issues can be caused by having a report that can potentially pull hundreds or thousands of rows of data. One common example: report fails when running against one specific organization, machine group, or view You are using Microsoft Reporting Services and one of your reports are failing with a time out error. Modifying the Execution TimeOut Setting in Microsoft Reporting Services (SSRS)

Change odbc timeout